Joséphine Baker enters the pantheon

At the Panthéon, Emmanuel Macron declared “My France is Josephine “. A lot of reactions, Mimicry Mathy said she was very touched by the homage of the President of the Republic to the character she has played for 20 years on TF1. Stephane Bern he tells us that Brigitte Macron came back very angry about theElysium after this sentence: “Who is this Josephine ? I who thought I was the only one in life by Emmanuel Macron ! “

In Hello Mailhot?, Régis Mailhot has set a goal: to answer your questions wherever they come from!

With his sharp pen and his look at the news, the comedian Régis Mailhot will meet you every day at 1.20 p.m. in My France next to Wendy Bouchard.

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