Joséphine Baker, a breathtaking life


Article written by

C. Airaud, S. Thiébaut, S. Pichavant, P. Crapoulet, P. Grandouiller ,, D. Gac, L. Dulois – France 3

France Televisions

A great figure in the French musical scene and an award-winning resistance after the Second World War, Joséphine Baker will be buried in the Pantheon at the end of November. The opportunity to look back on the life of a woman who has always wanted to help the world.

As she sang it so well, Josephine Baker had “two loves”, but above all a full and active life. Originally from the United States, in the state of Missouri, Josephine Baker would achieve fame as her life progressed, which was adapted into a musical, “Joséphine B. “Joséphine Baker is freedom embodied, it is provocation, beauty, fun”, explains Clarisse Caplan, actress who interprets her role in comedy. In 1940, she even participated in the Resistance, wishing to help France.

Medalist by France for her acts of resistance during the German occupation, she will wear them proudly, including in her native country, when she comes to support Martin Luther king, in the midst of the movement for equality and an end to racial discrimination in the United States. In France, it is on the Dordogne side that she will live, with orphaned children that she will adopt from all over the world. Among the twelve children, Brahim, from Algeria and adopted by Joséphine Baker. “It was a multiethnic and multicultural family”, he explains. On November 30, the former artist will be buried in the Pantheon.


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