José Garcia again as a couple: he formalizes with his charming lover in Dinard

On September 29, 2022, the Dinard British Film Festival opened. This new edition is chaired by José Garcia, succeeding Bérénice Bejo in this position. With his jury, he will have the delicate task of deciding between six works from across the Channel to the delight of festival-goers. Still as dashing at 56, the one who stood out as a troublemaker of Canal + alongside Antoine de Caunes was more than delighted to carry out his mission as president. But his generous smile was perhaps also caused by the presence of a person, his companion. He has indeed formalized his new couple in front of the photographers this Thursday.

José Garcia appeared radiant with his lover in Dinard, during the first day of the British Film Festival. He officially posed with her, holding hands, flaunting his newfound relationship. Previously, the French actor had built a relationship of almost three decades with the director Isabelle Doval, a divorce which the actor had confirmed in July 2021. If the couple is no longer, there remains the memory of a beautiful relationship and above all, two big girls, Thelma and Laurène, who hope to succeed in the world of song and comedy.

In Dinard, José Garcia was therefore surrounded by his beloved and the other members of the jury: the actresses Oulaya Amamra and Alice Pol, their male colleague George Blagden, the actress and singer Sofia Essaïdi, the actor and director Adrian Lester, as well as screenwriter, director and producer Hugo Gélin. Arrived in the rain, the mythical figure of Nowhere else has not lost his sense of humor. This is how he said on his arrival in front of the media and the fans: “It is well known that the rain only wets idiots!” The star knows the city well, having filmed there A good personby and with Patrick Timsit.

The 33rd edition of the Dinard British Film Festival is being held until October 2, 2022 and will deliver its famous Hitchcock d’or. A tribute will also be made to Queen Elizabeth II, who died at the age of 96 on September 8.

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