Josacine will disappear from pharmacies

The Astellas laboratory will stop the production of this antibiotic used against various infectious diseases, announced the ANSM.

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Josacine will soon disappear from pharmacies. The only manufacturer of this antibiotic used against various infectious diseases will stop production, according to a press release from the National Medicines Safety Agency (ANSM) published on Monday February 27. The choice of Astellas laboratory was motivated by a “industrial decision”the safety and effectiveness of the drug are not in question.

This decision comes in a context already marked by the shortage of multiple treatments. This antibiotic uses josamycin to fight against various infectious diseases affecting the lungs, throat or sinuses. Gold, “no other specialty based on josamycin is available in France”warns the ANSM, while the last stocks should run out in March.

THE Astellas laboratory assured that he had planned a plan to allow the presence for several more years of the Josacine in the stalls. But, in the current context, stocks have emptied much more than expected. Doctors and pharmacists can turn to recent recommendations from the main infectious disease societies, which have assessed how best to replace Josacine with treatments from the same family.

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