Jordan Joseph and Émilien Gailleton called up again with the XV of France

The weeks follow each other and are similar to the Section Paloise! A victory over the weekend – against UBB this week (33-7)
–, and Émilien Gailleton and Jordan Joseph called with the Blues in stride! As after the success in La Rochelle
, the management of the XV of France of rugby calls on the two Béarnais for the week of preparation for the match against South Africa. And like last week, we will know in the middle of the week if they stay in Marcoussis until the end, or if they will be entitled this time to a few days of vacation, without a Top 14 match on the weekend.

Gailleton still marker

One thing is certain, the consistency of the two players in their performance encourages the tricolor staff to call on them. Jordan Joseph, still as important offensively (52 meters gained against UBB) this time also delivered a top-notch defensive performance : 6 successful tackles (100%) and 3 scraped balls. For the young 3/4 center, replacing finally very quickly entered due to the injury of Jale Vatubua, the performance is once again remarkable, and crowned with an opportunistic try, his 4th already this season in eight appearances.

They are moreover both Green Winner of France Blue Béarn Bigorre and South Westto discover in today’s newspaper edition
and in 100% Clubs tonight
at 6:15 p.m.

source site-37