Jordan Bardella supported by his lover Nolwenn, niece of Marine Le Pen: rare images of a discreet couple

The political career of Jordan Bardella, 26 and acting president of the National Rally is impressive. Red line, a BFMTV program, devoted its subject of February 14, 2022 to this ambitious young man and notably shed light on what he protects with the greatest attention: his companion. As invested in politics as he is discreet about his private life, he could not prevent the cameras from filming, for a few moments, the one who shares his life, Nolwenn. And for good reason, she is not only his lover, she is also the niece of Marine Le Pen, presidential candidate that Jordan Bardella has supported since she was 16 years old.

Through hard work and dedication, Jordan Bardella has found his place in the complex Le Pen family clan. The one who is an RN MEP has won the heart of the daughter of Marie-Caroline, elder sister of Marine Le Pen, and Philippe Olivier, political adviser to the political leader. Some could say that he had been favored in this place because of his links with the niece of his boss. What he answered in Paris Match : “Marine Le Pen chose me at the top of the list when I was single.”

With him, Marine Le Pen can count on a man of absolute loyalty – he even assumes the post of interim president of the RN free of charge, as he confirmed to Apolline de Malherbe on BFMTV / RMC. Which is very useful in these times of major defections within his party. Latest, that of Nicolas Bay, number 2 of the party that she accuses of having transmitted strategic information to the camp of Eric Zemmour that he has just joined. He decided to sue for defamation.

Jordan Bardella is therefore an asset in this campaign where he is revealed as a model student. According to political scientist Jean-Yves Camus interviewed by The Parisianhe made a “without fail” since the start of the campaign. This does not prevent oversights, such as this costume that he did not think to take before going to Strasbourg to face Emmanuel Macron while France holds the presidency of the European Union this year. And in this annoying situation filmed by the journalists of Red line for BFMTV, the politician was able to count on his beloved who brought him the appropriate outfit to face his greatest political adversary at the time of the presidential elections. A young lady who takes care of her companion, but also for her aunt for whom she appeared on the show An intimate ambition on M6 in November 2021.

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