Jordan Bardella of the RN pays tribute to her, fans of the actress puzzled!

Since this Friday March 24, 2023, the world of the small screen is in mourning, and with it the French viewers who learned of the death of the actress Marion Game at the age of 84. It was his daughter, Virginie Ledieu, who announced it via theAFP : “She died late Thursday afternoon at her home in the Paris region. It is in the tenderness and affection of her family that she left to join the stars” said the latter. Since 2009, the actress played the bubbly Huguette in the hit series Scenes of households broadcast daily on M6. Terribly moved, several of his filming comrades wanted to say goodbye to him on the networks, like Loup-Denis Elion (Cédric) who sent him a sober: “Kisses my Marion. Rest in peace.” From his Instagram account. Frédéric Bouraly (José) posted on Twitter: “Marion… how sad! Difficult to realize… A tender thought for his loved ones.” Laura Calu, who played Huguette and Raymond’s roommate, preferred to refer to the classic Corneille: “When you don’t have what you love, you have to love what you have.” Then sent all his love and thoughts to the loved ones of the late actress, including “his little dog”, before adding movingly: “I loved playing and drinking thyme infusions by your side. Bon voyage Marion.” And many other examples continue to flow… from relatives of the actress, from anonymous people as well as from people known to the general public who, without being part of showbiz, want to salute the memory of Marion Game.

See also: Marion Game: the actress with Alzheimer’s disease! His sidekick Gérard Hernandez forced to speak…

“Ah, you’re holding the obituary now…”

This Friday, March 24, the surprise came from the side of a politician. Jordan Bardella, president of the National Rally, also wanted to pay tribute on Twitter to the one who embodied Huguette but not only: “Marion Game was a familiar figure for millions of French people in Scenes of Household, and for my generation the unforgettable voice of Malcolm’s mother in the eponymous series. Very sad loss. My deepest condolences to his loved ones.” A tweet which, if widely welcomed and shared by its subscribers, nevertheless raised some questions among the most skeptical tweeters. Examples ? “To pay homage to an actress of the small screen, but not to do it for great writers like Christian Bobin who left us a short time ago, is indicative of the level of the new generation of the French political class. Or even more sarcastic: “Ah, you’re holding the obituary now…”, to which some replied: “But of course, you have to go hunting everywhere, even in cemeteries!” or “everything is possible with thepicked up national”, “Lol the national front which reacts but in which world do we live” or “It would be nice to do the same for the unfortunate Ukrainians killed for the sake of taking their lives by Putin! When is that for?” Like what, everything always ends up being a political debate in France… even a simple tribute.


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