Jonathan Lambert in “Rodolphe”

“It is customary to introduce yourself by giving your name and age.

So there you go, my name is Rodolphe Jonathan Lambert and I’m 46 years old.

Which equates to six and a half years in dog years, five years for a turtle, nine months for a hamster and three weeks for a goat cheese. The shelf life of a goat’s cheese being 6 weeks, three weeks is halfway through.

So here is my story, the story of a man halfway there, the story of a product in a state of decomposition. The story of a piece of cheese on a gigantic platter.”

This is how Jonathan Lambert presents his new show, his fourth one-man show since he started performing in 2007. “Rodolphe” is the first name on Jonathan Lambert’s civil status. By telling us about his life with humor and cynicism, Jonathan Lambert once again shows his talent for using self-mockery with verbal outbursts.

You can book your seats here!

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