Jonathan David: Touching tribute of the young footballer to his deceased mother

Football is one of the sports that allows you to experience the most emotions for supporters and players alike. Yesterday evening, for the last day of Ligue 1 before the holidays, all the teams tried to bring back victory before leaving for a few days of rest. If for some things did not go as planned, for the Lille striker Jonathan David, it was the kind of evening we won’t soon forget. As his team headed for a draw against Bordeaux, the 21-year-old Canadian managed to score the liberating goal for his family.

A rose to honor his mother

A deliverance for the Northerners and even more for the young star of the team who took advantage of his twelfth goal this season to send a very nice message to those close to him. Approaching the podium to celebrate, he took a rose and lifted it to the sky to show it to the public. An unusual gesture that was prepared in advance, but which has a very strong meaning for Jonathan David. The young striker had the misfortune of losing her mother on December 6, 2019 to cancer and this flower, which bears the same name as its mother, Pink, was therefore a way of paying him a nice tribute two years after his disappearance.

The player has also taken the photos of the evening yesterday to continue this beautiful tribute on his Instagram account. To accompany three beautiful photos of him with this pretty rose in his hand, he adds in comment “Few people will understand this gesture”. A publication that his teammates from Lille have commented with kind words or emojis for Jonathan David, who must have had a heavy heart at the time of this tribute.

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