It is the first time emergencies and firefighters de Sens in Yonne carried out an accident simulation exercise together, the objective: to coordinate even better. Because their jobs may be sometimes close, there are still fifteen years, only the firefighters came to the scene of the accident, accompanied by a doctor. Today, SMUR teams are made up of a doctor, a nurse and an ambulance driver.
– Renaud Candelier
Big damage
Broken windshield, amount depressed on the front passenger, the small city car has obviously suffered a very big shock. The truck is badly damaged at the front. Realism is pushed to the traces of blood. The firefighters are the first on the spot joined by a first team of the SMUR, but taking into account the state of the victims and the vehicles, it is necessary reinforcements in ambulances and specialized extrication equipment for the truck.
– Renaud Candelier
– Renaud Candelier
Long extrication
While the car is cut up, nurses and doctors continue to come to the aid of the victims, trapped in the passenger compartment. Side by side, the firefighters handle heavy equipment to extract the victims. After an hour, the first victim went out lying down on a “board” which made it possible to limit the movements of the spine. She is evacuated on a stretcher and again placed under the observation of a doctor. Assessment an absolute emergency, three relative emergencies, for the fire chief, Stéphane Bournhof, the exercise is conclusive.
– Renaud Candelier