Johnny Hallyday jealous of Hélène Darroze, so close to Laeticia: “He was not always funny …”

Moreover, Hélène Darroze maintained “a relationship that was pretty weird“with Johnny.”At the same time, he knew very well that he could count on me and that Laetitia could always count on me, her daughters too, etc. But at the same time he was a little jealous of this special relationship I had with Laetitia since I was his great friend and suddenly, she confided things to me sometimes, because he was not always funny, she explained. He knew that I also knew his little quirks. But in the end on the other hand, in the disease I was quite present and we became very close. “

A “too intrusive” cook?

Nearby Point in 2018, Laeticia Hallyday had already mentioned her husband’s jealousy towards her best friend. “He has always been jealous of my friendship with Hélène. He said to me ‘You love him more than me …’“Same story in Benjamin Locoge’s book, The Ballad of Johnny & Laeticia released in 2018 (ed. Fayard). “She takes up too much space, the cook“, would have declared the Taulier …

That same year, the journalist Laurence Pieau told in her book Laeticia, the real story (ed. Plon) an anecdote that occurred during the funeral of the rocker in Saint-Barth: “When leaving the funeral home, Hélène Darroze trips in her white djellaba, falls violently and opens the forehead. She’s bleeding profusely. ” Laeticia Hallyday would then have whispered that it was the “Johnny’s punishment”: “The rocker had little taste for the friendship between his wife and the famous chef, in his eyes too intrusive. “

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