Johnny Depp would have given a sedative to his ex to achieve his ends… A damning testimony surfaces!

He won a battle but not the war. Last June, Amber Heard was found guilty of “defamation” and was ordered to pay the sum of 15 million dollars in compensation to her ex-husband. However, the case is not closed since she appealed the outcome of this verdict… and that he also appealed, 24 hours later, to request the cancellation of his three defamation convictions. This is how the testimonies against Johnny Depp continue to make a lot of ink flow. In particular that of the actress Ellen Barkin , known for starring in the series Animal Kingdom since the year 2016, who shared a relationship of a few months with the famous Pirates of the Caribbean… and keeps a mixed memory of this time.

Ellen Barkin and Johnny Depp met in 1997 on the set of the movie Las Vegas Paranoid, by Terry Gilliam. Their relationship remained platonic for a time until the actor insisted. “He came into my living room at my house, sat me on his lap and said something like, ‘Oh, come on Ellen!’she says. I protested, a little, and then a little less. And There you go.” If she specifies that she was not attacked, Ellen Barkin nevertheless indicates that Johnny Depp made her take Quaalude – a powerful sedative that Bill Cosby had notably used to rape one of his victims – before asking her if she had “want to fuck“.

He is verbally abusive. He was screaming a lot

When they were together, Ellen Barkin saw Johnny Depp three or four times a week. Each visit did not pass in an idyllic way, the comedian being “constantly drunk” because of his consumption of red wine. “He screams a lot, she testifies. He is verbally abusive. He was just screaming a lot. He is a jealous man, who likes to be in control. Who asked me where I was going, with whom, what I had done the night before. I had a scratch on my back which made him very very angry because he was sure that I had slept with someone else.”

It was after that famous night, where Johnny Depp threw a bottle against a wall, that she decided not to see him again. They met again, one day, during the Cannes Film Festival. The opportunity for Ellen Barkin to explain how their romance had been awful to live for her, while he tried again to get physically closer to her. This testimony, which dates from the trial lost by Amber Heard, has just been made public, with all that this implies, legally speaking, for Johnny Depp.

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