Johnny Depp ready to win back Vanessa Paradis? This regret that haunts the ex of Amber Heard

A few weeks ago, justice ruled and put an end to six years of nightmare for Johnny Depp. Accused of domestic violence by his ex-girlfriend Amber Heard, the star saw his career crumble since he also lost his role in Pirates of the Caribbean. The winner of this trial, the actor celebrated it as it should with a very salty bill at the restaurant.

Many revelations were made during this trial, in particular on other women who shared the life of Johnny Depp such as Kate Moss or Vanessa Paradis.In effect, the story of the infidelities of Lily-Rose Depp’s dad has been revealed.

The facts allegedly took place on the set of Express Rum in Puerto Rico in 2009. In a relationship with Vanessa Paradis for 14 years, he then crossed paths with Amber Heard. The latter was no longer a heart to take either. But he started to “to feel things” during a kiss shot for the film. Things quickly got out of hand between them in his trailer lodge after several glasses of wine and numerous kisses.

More than ten years after this betrayal, Johnny Depp seems to be overwhelmed with regrets. In the documentary Johnny vs. Amber: from love to hate unveiled by 6play this Friday, July 1, 2022, the interpreter of Jack Sparrow returned to his misconduct. “I shouldn’t have felt this way. It was just a scene, and she had a wife, and I had Vanessa“.

From this betrayal was born the romance that turned sour between the two celebrities a few years later. Married in 2015 on a paradise island a year after the formalization of their relationship, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have torn apart for the past six years. Like what from love to hate, there is only one step.

Fortunately, this infidelity will have been forgiven by Vanessa Paradis who supported him at all costs during this legal battle. Did Johnny Depp realize that he still loved his ex by evoking his regrets? In any case, one thing is certain: they remain welded!


See also: Amber Heard’s shocking revelations about Johnny Depp

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