Johnny Depp irritated by the pace imposed by Amber Heard’s lawyers

(Washington) Actor Johnny Depp on Monday played down the cruelty of his messages insulting Amber Heard, his ex-wife, whom he has also accused of domestic violence, as part of the defamation lawsuit he is bringing against her.

Posted at 2:26 p.m.

“What did you answer when Heard said “Tell the world Johnny! Tell them: I, Johnny Depp, am a victim of domestic violence”? “Questioned Jessica Meyers, one of the actor’s lawyers, after the broadcast of an audio message in which we hear the couple arguing.

“I answered that yes, I am”, launched Johnny Depp, ending with these words his testimony which was spread over four days of hearing at the Fairfax court, near the American capital.

A sign of the toxicity of their marriage, the 58-year-old actor had previously explained that they had, each on their own, got into the habit of recording their altercations.

In another audio excerpt, presented this time by the lawyers of Amber Heard, we hear the 36-year-old actress accusing her spouse of having “beaten her”.

Johnny Depp has denied ever hitting Mme Heard or any other woman during his lifetime.

Married from 2016 to 2018, the former spouses accuse each other of defamation during this trial, very followed and partly broadcast on American news channels.

“Shut up big bunch”

Among the audio recordings produced by Amber Heard’s lawyers, we hear Johnny Depp yelling “shut up big bunch” to the one who was then his wife.

In messages sent to friends in 2013, the actor wrote that he wanted to “burn Amber” and “close kiss her burnt corpse, to (s)’ensure she was dead”.


Amber Heard talks to her lawyer.

Johnny Depp minimized the cruelty of these remarks by speaking of “misunderstanding”.

“It’s just irreverent, abstract humor,” the Hollywood star explained. “It’s a reference to Monty Python,” he added to justify himself.

The eighth day of hearing of the trial was the occasion of long passes of arms between lawyers.

Johnny Depp’s legal team has widely disputed the relevance of private messages, exchanged between the actor and his relatives, which the defense tried to add as evidence in the file.

Among other incriminating elements, Benjamin Rottenborn, who represents Amber Heard, presented the jury with various magazine press titles which detailed the alcohol abuse of the star of Pirates of the Caribbean.

While the actress had already obtained, in 2016, an order which prohibited her ex-husband from approaching her within 100 meters, Mr. Rottenborn wanted to know why Johnny Depp had waited for the publication of the tribune signed by his ex-wife to file a complaint.

In a weary tone, the star replied that he was tired of seeing that “his relentlessness against (him) did not stop”.

In the text, published in 2018 by the washington postAmber Heard did not name Johnny Depp by name, but she did mention the domestic violence charges she had brought against her husband in 2016.

Last week, the actor claimed to have lost “everything” because of the accusations of violence from his ex-wife.

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