JoeyStarr and Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine are scarce, enormous discomfort on the set of “C à vous”!

Surreal exchange on the set of “C à vous”! This Thursday, October 28, 2021, the actor JoeyStarr was the guest of Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine for the promotion of her book, “Le petit Didier”, published by Robert Laffont editions. A book in which Didier Morville (his real name) retraces his childhood and speaks in particular of his father with whom he had a conflicting relationship. A sensitive subject on which Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine wanted to question her guest of the day. “This book is also the portrait of your father, Jean”, she begins before repeating certain passages of the book: “A competition flirt undermined like a milord, who spends hours waxing in the bathroom, (…) plays trifecta and barely speaks to you. Selfish, cruel, silent and violent. You live alone with him within reach. (…) At the Morvilles, you learn the belt-stroke multiplication tables … “. Faced with this unflattering portrait of his father, JoeyStarr interrupts the presenter of France 5: “It’s funny because it’s the thing that comes up most often when I do interviews but what we don’t say, c ‘is that he was very handy, he cooked, he was very inventive “. “Let me finish!” Annoys Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine.

“I feel like I’m talking to myself”

The rather heated exchange between JoeyStarr and Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine did not stop there. “I don’t want to be made a closet child of me,” adds the rapper, a former member of the NTM group. “At no time do you stand up against him but you play the eel. He forbids you a lot of things but you do them all the same”, replies Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, intrigued by the difficult relationship that JoeyStarr had with his father when he was a child. “It’s characteristic of youth, isn’t it?” Retorts the musician. A question that remained unanswered. Which again set fire to the powders. “Answer me, answer me! I feel like I’m talking to myself, it’s embarrassing,” says JoeyStarr. Both distraught and annoyed, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine ended up responding: “I was going to pay you compliments”. It will be for next time!


See also: “Putting your cookie all over the place in lots of balloons” … JoeyStarr’s disturbing revelations about his father

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