Joe Biden will remain a presidential candidate, says Donald Trump

(Washington) Donald Trump said Monday that Joe Biden could well remain a candidate in the November presidential election, despite pressure even within the Democrat’s camp for him to withdraw due to doubts about his health.

“It seems to me that he might well stay [dans la course] and he has an ego and he doesn’t want to give up, he doesn’t want to do that,” the former Republican president said in an interview with Fox News, his first since the debate between the two men in late June.

During this disastrous evening for Joe Biden, the 81-year-old Democrat appeared very tired and confused.

“He looked extremely pale, to put it mildly,” Trump said Monday night, saying that when his opponent began speaking, he found his voice “pretty weak.”

“It was a strange debate, because from the first two minutes, the answers he gave didn’t make much sense,” the Republican added.

Joe Biden urges his party to ‘rally’ around him

Joe Biden on Monday urged lawmakers in a divided Democratic Party to “come together” around his candidacy, and challenged skeptics to challenge him at the August nominating convention, as calls for him to withdraw his candidacy continue.

“I am firmly committed to staying in the race,” the American president wrote in a letter to Democratic congressmen, back in session in Washington after the July 4 break.

“It’s time to come together,” said the 81-year-old Democrat.

Her spokeswoman tried to contain a wave of speculation sparked by an article in the New York Times indicating that a Parkinson’s specialist had visited the White House eight times in eight months, between the summer of 2023 and last spring.

” President [Joe Biden] Is he being treated for Parkinson’s disease? No. […] “Is he taking medication for Parkinson’s disease? No,” said Karine Jean-Pierre, without indicating who the specialist had come to see or for what purpose, hiding behind an obligation of “confidentiality.”


Karine Jean-Pierre, White House spokesperson


She noted that Biden had seen a neurologist three times during his annual checkups, the last of which was made public in February, and that he had been tested for various neurodegenerative diseases during those checkups, with negative results.

Joe Biden told lawmakers he was “not blind” to the “concerns” expressed since the televised duel with his 78-year-old opponent, during which he appeared very tired and confused.

But in a call broadcast on MSNBC’s morning show, he vehemently attacked the rebels in his own party.

He will have to demonstrate repartee, vivacity, consistency of ideas… In short, everything that he sorely lacked during the debate with his 78-year-old Republican predecessor.

“Those guys who think I shouldn’t run, let them run against me. […] “Challenge me at the Democratic convention in August,” Joe Biden said furiously.

The American president also stressed that he would host a NATO summit in Washington from Tuesday to Thursday, on the occasion of the 75the anniversary of the defense alliance.


This will be an opportunity for the leaders of allied countries to also gauge Joe Biden’s fitness, even if a spokesperson for the American executive, John Kirby, assures that he has “not detected” any sign of concern on this subject among NATO members.

The US president also plans to give a rare solo press conference on Thursday.

The octogenarian goes to great lengths to appear dynamic and full of enthusiasm.

For example, on Sunday he gave a series of impromptu speeches and crowd baths in Pennsylvania.


Joe Biden was campaigning in the state of Pennsylvania on Sunday.

Joe Biden also announced new trips: to Michigan on Friday, a state which, like Pennsylvania, will be decisive in November, then to Texas and Nevada later.


Several Democratic lawmakers now openly believe it is time for him to throw in the towel. One influential lawmaker, Adam Smith, said Joe Bien should “step aside,” and told CNN that “it is now clear [que le président] was not the right person to carry the Democratic Party’s message.”


Adam Smith, elected Democrat

But others have thrown their support behind him, including Steven Horsford, chairman of the influential African-American House Caucus, and Senator Chris Coons.


Steven Horsford, Democratic Representative

The latter judged in front of journalists that it would be “a huge error for the Democratic Party to withdraw its support for a very experienced and competent president because of one evening and one debate.”

Despite these divisions, will the protest crystallize and lead to a coordinated offensive, publicly supported by very big names in the party, to encourage Joe Biden to give up his seat?

It would be a very difficult decision in an extremely tight schedule.

First, there is no indication that the American president would agree to give up his position.

Then, even if it did, the Democratic Party would risk a chaotic nomination convention in August in Chicago.

Finally, if a new candidate were to be designated, he or she would have only a little over two months to campaign before the November 5 election.

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