Joe Biden welcomes “advances” on firearms, insufficient but “important”

The President of the United States welcomed the bipartisan agreement negotiated by Democratic and Republican senators. This text provides new rules for controlling firearms.

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The glass half full. US President Joe Biden on Sunday June 12 hailed “advanced” on the thorny question of firearms, judging them insufficient but “important”. Twenty American senators, Republicans and Democrats announced on Sunday an agreement on several provisions to better regulate the use of weapons, minimal measures after recent killings that shocked the United States.

These measures, which require a supermajority to be approved in the Senate, include an encouragement for states to remove firearms from people deemed dangerous as well as others aimed at mental health and safety in schools, but do not include most of the reforms demanded by the Democrats.

“Obviously it doesn’t do everything I think it should do, but it’s an important step in the right direction.”

Joe Biden, President of the United States

in a press release

The American head of state called on the parliamentarians of both chambers to adopt this text as soon as possible. “Every day that passes, children are killed in this country”he recalled, a few weeks after the Uvalde massacre in Texas, in which 19 children were killed.

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