Joe Biden orders protection of America’s ancient forests

The US president has demanded from federal officials an inventory of ancient forests within a year, as well as the identification of threats to these trees.

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Strong decision for Earth Day. Joe Biden marked Friday, April 22 by ordering the protection of America’s ancient forests. His executive order, signed during a visit to Seattle in the state of Washington, heavily forested and often spectacularly wild landscapes, recognizes the importance of America’s ancient forests in the fight against climate change, but also their vulnerability to fires always more intense.

Joe Biden demanded from federal officials an inventory of ancient forests within a year, as well as the identification of threats to these trees. “We must act quickly, and with this decree on Earth Day, we are showing that this moment of maximum threat and urgency can also be a moment of immense hope.”said the American president. The Democrat has campaigned for environmental protection and U.S. leadership in action on global warming, but has routinely encountered a lack of congressional support.

US forests absorb an amount of carbon dioxide equivalent to 10% of annual US greenhouse gas emissions, the White House said in a statement. The American president also suggested that Washington get more involved in the fight for the survival of the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. “We should pay the Brazilians not to raze their forest”he mentioned.

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