Joe Biden in Canada | Visits “of the utmost importance”, according to ex-PM Brian Mulroney

Official visits by heads of state – like the one Joe Biden is about to make to Canada – are “of the utmost importance”. And this is even more the case with the presidents of the United States, affirms the former Prime Minister of Canada, Brian Mulroney, in an interview with The Press.

“It’s more true for American presidents, because the United States and Canada are linked by important issues,” said the former prime minister. The time of the President of the United States is very precious. There are some 200 heads of state at the United Nations and they all want to meet him. »

During his nine years at the helm of the country, from 1984 to 1993, Brian Mulroney hosted Presidents Ronald Reagan, George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton. They went through Ottawa, Quebec, Toronto and Vancouver.

Of all these meetings, the Shamrock Summit held on March 17 and 18, 1985 in Quebec made an impression. Mr. Mulroney, Prime Minister in office for six months, welcomed Ronald Reagan who was beginning his second term.

The title of the summit refers to the Irish origins of the two men, eager to decompartmentalize the tariff barriers of economic exchanges, which paved the way for the free trade treaty.

“Some claim that these visits are a waste of time. But they know absolutely nothing about the international reality, argues Mr. Mulroney. The free trade agreement had the effect of creating the largest international trade between two countries in the history of the world. »

In the process, this treaty led to that of NAFTA, which includes Mexico. “It has transformed Canada’s economy,” continues Mr. Mulroney, who says the agreement has “created millions of jobs for citizens of all three countries.”

Not empty-handed

Meetings like that of March 23 and 24 between MM. Trudeau and Biden provide an opportunity to settle important issues, assures Brian Mulroney.

I am no longer in the secret of the gods, but there are undoubtedly thorny issues between the two countries, and some will be settled because President Biden will not arrive empty-handed.

Brian Mulroney

Obviously, these meetings are preceded by lengthy preparations in each of the capitals and discussions between senior officials and ministers. But when the president speaks, things move, believes the former Canadian prime minister.

“When the president says, in front of his ministers and subordinates, ‘I want this done for Canada”I want this done for Brian” Or “I want this done for Justin”this has the effect of galvanizing the senior civil service and ministers,” he says.

Brian Mulroney describes Joe Biden, whom he says he met 40 years ago, as an “excellent fellow, pleasant trade”. “I think he and Justin Trudeau have a good relationship,” he continues. They are ideologically in the same picture, in the center left. Mr. Biden knows Canada well and he will want to make gestures of friendship. In my opinion, it will be a good visit, what is called a fruitful visit. »

When American Presidents Visit Canada


US President Dwight D. Eisenhower and his wife Mamie board the Columbine III plane at Saint-Hubert airport.

United States President Joe Biden’s visit to Canada on March 23-24 comes 100 years after the first such event. Reminder of some presidential, official, work, informal or even vacation visits.

William Taft


President William Taft at the official inauguration of the Manoir Richelieu Golf Club in 1925. After serving as President, Mr. Taft served as Chief Justice of the United States Supreme Court from 1921 to 1930, a unique case.

Warren Harding was the first sitting president to visit Canada (see next capsule), according to the US State Department. But one of his predecessors, the Republican William Howard Taft, stayed in Charlevoix several times before and after his presidency (1909-1913). His family built a summer residence there and Mr. Taft was president of the Murray Bay Golf Club. It is not known if Mr. Taft came to La Malbaie during his presidency. “If he came, it was rarely, for security reasons,” says Serge Gauthier, president of the Charlevoix Historical Society. In 2015, La Malbaie renamed a segment of Rue Richelieu to give it the name Côte Taft.

Warren G. Harding


The front page of La Presse on August 3, 1923, the day after the death of William Harding, President of the United States. On the right is his successor Calvin Coolidge and his family.

In the summer of 1923, Republican Warren G. Harding, 29e President of the United States, leaves Washington for a long trip. His administration is plagued by scandals, his health is poor. Harding is touring several cities in Alaska before stopping in Vancouver on July 26. He then became the first US president in office to visit Canada. In Vancouver, he hosted a dinner in her honor, played golf and addressed the crowd in Stanley Park. He then heads for California. A week later, he died of a heart attack in San Francisco.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt


Summit of August 19, 1943 at the Citadel of Quebec. From left to right, Canadian Prime Minister Mackenzie King, the Earl of Athlone, Governor General of Canada, US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Princess Alice, wife of the Earl of Athlone, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

“Franklin Roosevelt came twice to Quebec, 1943 and 1944, to talk about the Second World War with Winston Churchill,” recalls Rafaël Jacob, associate researcher at the Raoul-Dandurand Chair in Strategic and Diplomatic Studies. Received by Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King, the two statesmen had several meetings and conferences at the Citadelle and the Château Frontenac, from August 17 to 24, 1943. Among other things, they prepared for the Normandy landings, including a series of plans are forgotten in a living room, as the daily recounted The sun. A second Roosevelt-Churchill conference was held in September 1944.

Dwight D. Eisenhower


Queen Elizabeth II and US President Dwight D. Eisenhower at the inauguration of the St. Lawrence Seaway

President Eisenhower stops in Quebec on June 26, 1959, on the occasion of the inauguration of the St. Lawrence Seaway, where he accompanies Queen Elizabeth II aboard the yacht Britannia. Embarked in Saint-Lambert, Ike and his wife Mamie go down to the Beauharnois lock where they are accompanied by Canadian Prime Minister John Diefenbaker. They take a helicopter then takes them to Saint-Hubert airport. From there, they take the presidential plane and return to Washington. According to the presidential agenda that The Press consulted, Eisenhower went to play a round of golf upon arriving home.

Lyndon B. Johnson


United States President Lyndon B. Johnson visits the United States Pavilion at Expo 67.

On May 25, 1967, when tension was high in the Middle East (the Six Day War would begin on June 5), President Lyndon B. Johnson made a short visit to Canada. He first stopped in Montreal to visit the United States pavilion at Expo 67. Johnson then flew to Ottawa to meet Lester B. Pearson. “I consulted the Prime Minister on the problems of the Middle East which he knows so well [Pearson avait obtenu le prix Nobel de la paix en 1957 pour son rôle dans la crise du canal de Suez] and our talks have been fruitful,” says Johnson, back in Washington at the end of the afternoon.

Ronald Reagan


Brian and Mila Mulroney with Nancy and Ronald Reagan at a reception in honor of the visit of the American president, in March 1985 in Quebec.

“The free trade treaty was born at the Château Frontenac,” assures former Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney, referring to Ronald Reagan’s visit to Quebec on March 17 and 18, 1985. Mr. Mulroney had been Prime Minister for six months and Ronald Reagan was entering his second term. “This visit also marked the beginning of the acid rain treaty,” said Mr. Mulroney. We have also adopted new measures for Arctic sovereignty. »

bill clinton


During his last visit as President of the United States to Canada, Bill Clinton golfed with Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chrétien in Mont-Tremblant. Mr. Clinton was at the Forum of Federations where he delivered a speech.

Bill Clinton’s February 23-24, 1995 state visit to Ottawa comes at a time of great tension in Canadian politics. The Bloc Québécois, which forms the official opposition, is actively preparing for the holding of a second referendum (October 30, 1995). Its leader Lucien Bouchard, victim of the flesh-eating bacteria, has just returned from a long convalescence. It is Prime Minister Jean Chrétien who welcomes Mr. Clinton. The latter addressed the members of Parliament.

barack obama


Barack Obama visiting Ottawa on February 19, 2009, accompanied by Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Obamania wins the Canadian capital when the 44e President of the United States visits Prime Minister Stephen Harper, February 19, 2009. Sworn in on January 20, 2009, Mr. Obama thus honors the tradition of reserving the first presidential visit to Canada. Thousands of people gathered near Parliament Hill, barricaded and under heavy surveillance, in the hope of catching a glimpse of him. Before returning to Washington, Mr. Obama will buy a beaver tail and cookies at the ByWard Market.

Come, not come


President George W. Bush boards Air Force One, December 1, 2004, at Ottawa International Airport. His departure to Halifax was delayed 40 minutes due to snowfall. Mr. Bush traveled to the Maritimes to thank the people who welcomed the thousands of people whose flights were diverted to Canada the morning of the attacks of September 11, 2001.

According to the US State Department’s list, Presidents Truman, Kennedy, Nixon, Bush Sr., Bush Jr. and Trump also visited Canada during their tenure. Presidents Ford and Carter did not come.

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