Joe Biden goes on the offensive



Video length: 2 min

US presidential election 2024: Joe Biden goes on the offensive

US presidential election 2024: Joe Biden goes on the offensive


The duel for the American presidential elections was launched by Joe Biden. Thursday evening, March 7, the American president gave a speech to Congress where he attacked his rival Donald Trump with rare ferocity. The President of the United States has referred to his predecessor 13 times.

On the evening of Thursday March 7, Joe Biden entered the Capitol with a specific idea: to make people forget the doubts surrounding his age and his health. Sitting at the lectern, the American president quickly transformed his annual State of the Union speech into a campaign address. During the latter, he particularly attacked his predecessor, Donald Trump.

Donald Trump castigated

At the dawn of a probable duel in November against Donald Trump, Joe Biden is already launching hostilities with allusions to his opponent: “All my life, I have been committed to freedom and democracy. Respect everyone, give everyone a chance, never let hatred flourish. But other people my age see things differently: an America turned towards resentment, vengeance, revenge”did he declare.

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