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In a speech, the Democratic president on Friday called on American voters to demand the right to abortion “at the ballot box” during the midterm legislative elections in November.
“It is very clear that the health and lives of the women of this nation are at risk”. United States President Joe Biden lamented “a tragic mistake” and “a sad day” for the country, after the decision of the Supreme Court which revoked the constitutional right to abortion, Friday, June 24.
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For the 79-year-old Democratic president, a devout Catholic, the Court’s decision “takes America back 150 years”. He insisted on the fate of women pregnant because of rape or incest, who would be obliged to keep the child in the States which have already completely banned abortion, including Missouri or Louisiana. The Head of State also highlighted the threat that this judgment represented for other rights, such as the right to contraception.
Joe Biden had already promised to act by decree to protect access to voluntary termination of pregnancy (abortion), but his room for maneuver in this area is very slim. He therefore called on voters to demonstrate “peacefully” and claim this right “at the ballot box” during the mid-term legislative elections in November, to obtain a majority in favor of the adoption of a “federal law” and thus guarantee the right to abortion at the national level.