Joe Biden chained dumpling on dumpling and claims that Putin invaded… Russia

How to become twice the laughingstock of the net in the space of a few days? Ask Joe Biden! The President of the United States has committed two blunders which have earned him the mockery of Internet users, in particular on Twitter. First of all, the Head of State had confused the Ukrainians with the… Iranians. “Putin may surround Kiev with tanks, but he will never win the hearts and souls of the Iranian people.” His vice-president, Kamala Harris, placed right behind him, noted this gross error and whispered to him: “Ukrainian”.

As if one blunder wasn’t enough, Joe Biden did it again. “How did we get to the point where, you know, Putin decided to invade Russia? Something like that hadn’t happened since World War II.” Words that he ended up correcting, a few moments later. “I mean, Russia is invading Ukraine.”

Donald Trump’s successor spoke with his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky by phone to discuss US financial support for Ukraine and sanctions against Russia. “As part of an ongoing dialogue, I had a new conversation with the President of the United States. The agenda included security issues, financial support for Ukraine and the continuation of sanctions against Russia”wrote Volodymyr Zelensky on Twitter this Sunday, March 6.

See also: Elizabeth II and the ugly rumor about her end of life: still no appearance in the flesh, these images which risk reviving the wildest suppositions!


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