Joe Biden announces new military aid to Kyiv

What there is to know

The United States announced Friday, March 3 new military support to Ukraine to the tune of 400 million dollars (375 million euros), during the visit to Washington of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. VSThis aid includes ammunition for the Himars rocket launcher systems used effectively by Ukrainian forces, as well as Bradley-type armored vehicles and other equipment, according to the US State Department. “As long as it takes, we will be united behind Ukraine to strengthen its army on the ground”, promised Washington. Follow our live.

Olaf Scholz visiting the United States. The German Chancellor traveled to Washington for the second time to meet US President Joe Biden on Friday. During this visit, the two leaders sent from the White House a signal of unity, reaffirming their will to support Ukraine “as long as necessary”.

The Russian Defense Minister visited the front. Sergei Shoigu inspected a “command post” on the front in eastern Ukraine, in “the Donetsk-South direction”, announced his ministry on Saturday, at a time when the battle for the symbolic city of Bakhmout is raging. The exact place and date of this trip were not specified.

Bakhmout practically “surrounded”. The Russian paramilitary group Wagner, whose men are on the front line on the front in Ukraine, announced on Friday that it had taken a further step towards taking Bakhmout, a city-symbol of the East. “Wagner’s units have practically surrounded Bakhmout, there is only one road left” to get out, said his boss, Evguéni Prigojine, in combat gear.

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