job abandonment represents a very large majority of dismissals for misconduct

From now on, a job abandonment no longer allows you to receive unemployment. But the Ministry of Labor wanted to assess the extent of this phenomenon. And the numbers speak for themselves.

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Giving up your job, not coming back, without warning and without giving any news to your employer, who ends up dismissing you for gross negligence or gross negligence, allowing you to receive unemployment, it is obviously a very common practice. The Ddirection of the animation of research, studies and statistics (Dares), the statistical service of the Ministry of Labor, indicates that in the first quarter of last year, job abandonments accounted for no less than 71% of dismissals for serious or gross negligence. During the first three months of 2022, no less than 123,000 job abandonments gave rise to layoffs, of which 116,000 concerned permanent contracts.

Some sectors are particularly affected by this phenomenon. These are trade, transport and storage. In these three sectors, 41,000 employees abandoned a permanent contract and were made redundant. This represents nearly one involuntary termination of CDI, excluding resignation therefore, out of five. Also affected, industry and construction, although with lower figures.

These job abandonments no longer give rise to unemployment

Most of these employees who leave their jobs and are made redundant find a job very quickly, within three months of leaving their job. They are 37% in this case. They also register as unemployed. They are a little more than half, 55%, to find themselves at Pôle emploi in the three months following their dismissal. We still find a quarter of them, 24%, to be neither in salaried employment nor registered as unemployed.

But now these job abandonments no longer open the right to unemployment since the law of 21 December last modifies the treatment of employees who abandon their jobs. After formal notice from their employer by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt or hand delivery, they are now considered to have resigned and will therefore no longer be entitled to unemployment insurance. The employee who leaves his post must justify his absence or return to his job within fifteen days after the formal notice, according to a draft decree unveiled by the AEF press agency (reserved for subscribers).

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