JK Rowling ready to make “prison”, her new transphobic outing

JK Rowling sticks to her positions. Three years after being singled out for a tweet deemed transphobic, the successful author reiterated her comments. This Tuesday, October 17, 2023, the creator of the saga Harry Potter shared a quote posted on the wall of a department under the British Ministry of Justice: “Repeat after us: trans women are women.” To which the writer responded: “No” categorical.

According to an Internet user, JK Rowling risks two years in prison if the law proposed by Labor is adopted. Nothing to worry about the millionaire who then added: “I will happily serve two years in prison if the alternative is the obligation to use false terms in my language that distort reality […]. Take me before the judge. I would have more fun than any red carpet.”

And to continue: I would like to be assigned to the prison library, for obvious reasons. But cooking would work too. The laundry room would be complicated, I shrink the clothes and color everything pink But it wouldn’t be a problem if all I have to wash are sheets I guess.” A statement that sparked strong reactions.

See also: Michael Gambon, the interpreter of Dumbledore in “Harry Potter” died at 82 from pneumonia

Words that cost a lot

The transphobic discourse circulating in Britain is worrying and reaching new heights. We need to call out transphobic people for who they really are.”, notably indicated Cyrus Engerer, MEP and member of Labor, on his Instagram account.

Despite being excluded from the cast reunionHarry Potter to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the saga in 2021, JK Rowling does not intend to change her speech. If Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) and Emma Watson (Hermione Granger) openly condemned the writer, Helena Bonham Carter (Bellatrix Lestrange) and Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort), for their part, did not hesitate to come to her defense.


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