Jessy Trémoulière, quiet strength

May Thomas Darracq and Annick Hayraud be reassured. When Caroline Drouin is not there, Jessy Trémoulière holds the house. Against Scotland on Sunday April 10, the opening half of ASM-Romagnat signed a good copy, contributing largely to the improved success of the Tricolores (8-28).

Substitute in the first two matches of the Six Nations Tournament, the one who had been voted best world player of the last decade, was propelled holder for this first trip of the Tournament. In the will of “adapting to playing conditions in Scotland” and of “preparing for upcoming deadlines” Thomas Darracq and his staff have therefore chosen the long game on foot and the managerial qualities of Trémoulière. And to leave the innkeeper Caroline Drouin at rest.

Right from the start of the game, Jessy Trémoulière made people appreciate his precise and long kicking game. In a first round of observation like ping-pong rugby, the n°10 sprayed the bottom of the field of the XV du Chardon in all directions. Enough to push back the Scottish defensive curtain but also to lay siege to the opposing camp. After Laure Sansus opened the scoring on a personal feat, it was she who doubled the lead after a long period of domination initiated by a kick…signed Trémoulière. Two other tries, signed Laure Sansus and Gaëlle Hermet followed, to allow the Bleues to validate the gain of the offensive bonus when returning to the locker room.

In addition to his kicking game, it was also his management of the match that put the Tricolores in the direction of travel. A perfect ball sorter, the player with 64 caps knew how to choose her moments to initiate attack actions ball in hand or clear her camp. Author of fifteen assists, the leader of the XV of France was especially signaled by the 501 meters gained by her game on foot as well as her faultless face to the poles (4/4, eight points).

While the work had been done in the first act, the Clermontoise, like her teammates, showed herself to be less to her advantage on the return from the locker room, well pressed by the British defense. She was eventually substituted in the 64th minute and replaced by Morgane Peyronnet for her first appearance in the Six Nations Tournament.

Voted best player of the match, the versatile open-back proved to her staff that she was more than just an option at the opening. With Caroline Drouin and Jessy Trémoulière, the XV of France can be proud of having two international-class opening half, with different styles of play. One more card in their pocket to conquer victory in the Tournament.

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