Jessie J devastated: singer had a miscarriage, her message heartbreaking

Thanks to social networks, stars communicate directly with their fans. Jessie J broke terrible news to her family. The singer who was hiding a pregnancy from them had a miscarriage …

Jessie J has over 10 million followers on Instagram. She posted a new photo there this Wednesday, November 24, 2021. On the selfie, the pretty 33-year-old brunette is holding a pregnancy test displaying the word “pregnant“(” pregnant “), to confirm her pregnancy.

Contrary to what this self-portrait might suggest, Jessie J has announced a new drama to her followers. “Yesterday morning, I was joking with a friend about how I was going to do this gig in Los Angeles tomorrow night without telling the public that I’m pregnant. In the afternoon, I dreaded doing this concert without collapsing … after I was told that there was no more heartbeat on my third ultrasound“, she wrote in the caption.

Jessie J, who was waiting for the right time to announce her pregnancy, had a miscarriage.

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