Jessica Thivenin victim of hateful messages and in tears, her shocking confessions…

She can breathe a little. Jessica Thivenin would never have imagined for a single second that her pregnancies were going to be so complicated until she experienced the first time. Indeed, the companion of Thibault Garcia has experienced a real ordeal during, but also after. And especially with the arrival of Maylone. Because in addition to a complicated birth, and months during which the little boy almost lost his life, the young mother received odious messages from the haters…

The one who recently released her new book, which resulted in numerous criticisms and death threats towards her companion, gave an interview to our colleagues from Raw during which she remembered the difficult times, a few months after the arrival of her little boy. Especially when going out to the restaurant. “There comes a day when we go to a restaurant with friends and I give him the bottle and very quickly it turns into a nightmare. Quickly I realize that he is starting to change color. He changes color and becomes gray, same blue. So I give it to my husband because I don’t know what to do. I can’t, I…”she says before bursting into tears when she remembers the hell and the terror she felt.

Internet users wish the death of a child…

“I don’t know what to do with an infant who changes color and very quickly I try to pat him on the back. Suddenly I see blood coming out of my mouth when I pat on the back… We take a taxi to go to the hospital and when Thibault had Maylone in his arms, I ask him how he is”she continues before adding: “He tells me that he’s dead that it’s too late. I can’t accept that… I ask him to pass it to me and I give him a cardiac massage, because that’s all there is to it. anyway. After three cardiac massages I heard a tiny breath. It was small, but it was so huge. We arrived at the hospital and they took care of it “.

During Leewane’s pregnancy, Jessica Thivenin had to be bedridden, as for Maylone, because there were many risks that she would lose him. And the haters have not helped in these difficult times. Indeed, the companion of Thibault revealed to have been the victim of horrible messages during her pregnancies… “I get messages that aren’t nice either… There are people who tell me ‘good for you’, ‘I hope your child dies’, ‘you don’t deserve it’, ‘poor child of having a mother like you’… I get very unpleasant messages”she reveals before confessing: “I’m trying to get over it but it’s complicated and it hurts”.

See also: Jessica Thivenin (Les Marseillais): She opens her hair salon!


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