Jessica Thivenin separated in the secret of Thibault Garcia: unexpected revelations

Jessica Thivenin announced great news this Friday, May 27, 2022. With a smile on her face and very playful, she grabbed her story Instagram to notify his fans of the release of his book My children, my battles. This will be the second work of the pretty 31-year-old blonde, who had already transcribed on paper the highlights of her youth a few years ago. But this time, as the title suggests, it will be about her new life as a mom with his two children, Maylone (2 and a half years old) and Leewane (born in August 2021). This happiness, Jessica will have struggled to obtain it, the fault of the many complications during both pregnancies.

Each time, the star of Marseilles found herself bedridden for several months and had recourse to cerclage (a surgical procedure which consists of maintaining the cervix and thus avoiding a potential miscarriage). His eldest also encountered serious health problems at birth, until being resuscitated twice by his mother. Traumatic episodes which Jessica Thivenin wishes to speak about without taboo today. “I was so unwell during my pregnancies that I wrote every day, I wrote all my feelings, everything I felt and that I didn’t necessarily tell you. And I decided to make a book out of it. You will find there our click to have a child, how it happened, the galleys, and then the after. We had a bit of everything. I really gave myself up with an open heart. You will be able to read everything I wrote at that time. And what I felt in real time“, she promised.

It farted!

For the sake of transparency, Jessica Thivenin also chose to talk about her relationship with Thibault Garcia, who was shaken up by all his hardships. Indeed, if they always appeared very welded and united during the bad times, the worst ended up happening. “It almost broke“, confessed Jessica. Before being resumed by her husband: VSfarted!“. And indeed, as the summary of her book reveals, she and Thibault were separated for a time. “The serious crises with Thibault, our breakup and our reconciliation“, we read on the back cover. Bad memories for the lovers who are today happier than ever with two healthy children.

Jessica’s confidences will be available from June 21, when her book is officially released.

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