Jessica Thivenin: Her daughter Leewane compared to “Down’s syndrome”, she can’t take attacks anymore!

Mother of two children (Maylone born October 7, 2019 and Leewane born August 22, 2021), Jessica Thivenin seems to no longer want to overexpose her son and daughter on social networks. Exasperated, Thibault Garcia’s wife explained that she received extremely nasty and violent criticisms of her children. And to make Internet users understand what she may feel, she did not hesitate to reveal the messages that she could read on social networks. “Because of these kinds of messages, I show my daughter less than my son. I will try to show it to you lightly, I have been trying for a week but the reviews on the children make me upset, “, indicates the reality TV candidate before confiding: “I read Leewane has Down’s syndrome …

I had all the colors

Regarding his son Maylone, it is not spared by Internet users either. “Ever since Maylone was little I had all the colors. Maylone is autistic, Maylone is associable, Maylone is here, Maylone is that. It’s not normal and here and that. Suddenly it’s tiring for a mother so my daughter I show her less and I see less things that upset me. After Maylone it’s too late lol. In short 20 seconds of Snap people allow themselves to say anything and everything“, she indicates, visibly at the end of her tether. Very protective with her 3-month-old daughter and her 2-year-old son, Jessica now seems to want to preserve them from the hatred conveyed by certain malicious subscribers.

In addition, Maylone and Leewane get along wonderfully as she had confided on her return from motherhood just after the birth of her daughter. She had revealed the meeting of the little boy with his little sister. “There it is, we are at home. We brought Leewane home (…) It was incredible, the meeting with his brother, it was … I have no words, it was crazy. It was the third happiest day of my life. The birth of my children plus their meeting. It was wow.“Magical moments for Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia.

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