Jessica Thivenin deemed too low-cut, Thibault Garcia sees red: “He has become someone else…”

After the filming of Apprentice adventurers, broadcast from Monday May 16, 2022 on W9, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia returned home to Dubai and found their two children Maylone (2 years old) and Leewane (9 months). But the couple really needs to find each other. Tuesday, May 10, 2022, the happy parents were out. And even before leaving their home, they hung about the outfit of the pretty blonde.

On Snapchat, Jessica Thivenin films her preparation for this dinner with her lover. “Are we going out tonight. I put on a little dress and heels. It’s been a long time since I got ready to go out!“, she says. The star of Marseilles from W9 then appears in a flowery yellow dress, bustier and with a maxi neckline. A look that does not suit her dear and tender. After finding Thibault Garcia in the living room, she finally leaves the room. “I’m going to change. You saw me, you don’t see me anymore. There. He said to me: ‘No, it’s not okay!’ He’s not used to seeing me in a dress anymore. I loved it too much, I thought it was super pretty. Well no…“, she confides.

A few minutes later, Jessica Thivenin, whom some believe has been transformed by cosmetic surgery, is back in a knee-length blue dress with a less sexy neckline. “So I put on that dressshe says. He has a problem with low necklines and short skirts. But it’s new, it just came out.“Nearby, Thibault Garcia hears and defends himself:”No that’s not it. You have to make a choice: either it’s short or it’s low-cut (…). After that, it’s my personal opinion. You ask me, I give it to you. I have no problem with clothes.

It is then that he is cut off by his beauty. “If so, you have a problem right now. It’s been three, four times that he’s been thinking to me in mode: ‘Is it normal that we see the buttocks like that?’ or ‘Your dress is too short’“, she lets go. And to continue: “He became someone else, I don’t understand. These are dresses I’ve had in my closet for 100 years…

Finally, nothing serious for the couple who spent a superb evening before returning home to find their two children!

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