Jessica Thivenin deceived by Thibault Garcia? Threatened with death, he finally breaks the silence

Three years after the success of It’s all me ! sold more than 100,000 copies, Jessica Thivenin publishes a new book called My children, my battles. In this book, the mother of Maylone (2 and a half years old) and Leewane (born in August 2021) recounts intimate moments in her family life, but also as a couple with Thibault Garcia. At home, all is not always rosy. “You’re pissing me off, I’m fed up, I want to live my life without you. Anyway, the problem is deeper than that, I do not love you anymore !“, thus swung the charming brunette to his beauty during an argument leading to a short separation. Moreover, the ex-star of Marseilles (W9) is suspected of cheating on the mother of his children. On Snapchat, he speaks up and responds to rumours.

I get knocked outI receive threats, it’s sick! I received death threats and all…“, regrets Thibault Garcia in the face of the extent of his wife’s revelations on social networks. In addition, in a story on Instagram on Tuesday June 28, 2022, he shared the video interview with Jessica Thivenin for the media. Raw while specifying to beproud” from her. This is proof that the difficult pass is no longer relevant and that today everything is going well for lovers.

Moreover, the pretty blonde said it on Snapchat: “As of today, everything is fine!“. In the process, however, she wanted to speak about the difficult times spent with her husband: “Bits came out of my book, bits where it was complicated in the relationship with my husband. Know that we are human beings… There are plenty of people who say to me: ‘I thought you were a perfect family!’ well no. There is no perfect family, and I don’t think the perfect family exists. In all families there are problems, more or less. We have endured a lot of things, for people who have read my book, it is true that we had very complicated times. With Maylone especially (…). We had moments of weakness as in all couples.

However, regarding a possible deception with a dancer met for a clip, Jessica Thivenin is categorical: “But anything ! I don’t even answer because it’s giving importance to things that don’t exist!“The subject is therefore closed!

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