Jessica Thivenin and Thibault: A romantic evening and “chill” with Booba

On October 21, 2021, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia exceptionally cared for their children Maylone (2 years) and Leewane (2 months). The candidates of Marseillais (W9) spent a romantic evening, or almost!

It’s at the bar The Tube, in Dubai, that the beautiful 31-year-old blonde and the 30-year-old handsome brunette came to enjoy an evening organized by Booba and entitled “Come Chill with Booba”. Everything is said in the name of the event, Jessica Thivenin and Thibault Garcia came to have a good time with the 44-year-old rapper. On the program: shisha or even taking yourself for a star of the song in front of a studio microphone. The music was of course there.

If Jessica Thivenin and Thibault did not have the pleasure of posing with Booba, Laurent Correia was able to be immortalized by his side, just like the blogger Marc Blata (who had revealed the witchcraft affair in which Carla Moreau was involved). The muay-thai boxer and actor Dida Diafat and Chamo were also in the game last night.

No doubt everyone had a great evening. Fortunately, it did not happen the day Jessica Thivenin felt bad. On October 19, she was in severe pain while watching a series with her husband. “Yesterday something crazy happened to me. Suddenly, in front of the series, a pain in the ovaries below, like I never had in my life. That is to say that even childbirth was easy! I was crying and I couldn’t even get out of bed“She explained the next day before going to the hospital. Fortunately, nothing serious, she learned that it was” just “a cyst that had burst.

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