Jessica Thivenin again pregnant with Thibault Garcia? These symptoms speak volumes!

After two complicated pregnancies, a third? Jessica Thivenin does not want it but life can decide otherwise. And it seems that life has decided to give her a new child. In any case, this is what the last symptoms mentioned by the young woman on her social networks suggest. The darling of Thibault Garcia, with whom she returned from filming Apprentice Adventurers a few days ago appeared very happy on Instagram and Snapchat. However, for a few days, the mother of Leewane and Malyone seems in total depression.

Blame it on his nausea, in particular, and his anxiety. Indeed, although a pregnancy is undoubtedly part of the most beautiful moment in the life of a woman, Jessica Thivenin does not keep only good memories. Given that she nearly lost her baby boy and baby girl if she didn’t put in the effort to keep them healthy. Efforts that few women would have been able to do. But recently, many symptoms suggest that a third baby would be on the way. “I took a pregnancy test to reassure myself… My balls are upside down! It’s not okay. I have relapses and yesterday I threw up. I have an IUD, so there is no reason for me to be pregnant”explained the companion of Thibault Garcia on his social networks.

Symptoms that worry

The latter continuing by recalling that she did not want “no children!”. The fault of her previous pregnancies which went badly. Because of this concern, Jessica Thivenin lives complicated days. “I’m not very well at the moment… I’m not in the middle of it”she admits before adding: “I’m going to start meditating again, because I haven’t done any since my return. I think I’m very tired too, it shows in my face. We moved and Maylone gets up at 2 a.m. I’m crying for nothing !”.

But the darling of Thibault Garcia, no doubt in prevention of the negative comments that she was going to receive, wished to recall that she was aware of the luck she had: “I have an incredible life, but just this feeling of thinking about nothing”. Hoping that everything goes well for the mother of Maylone and Leewane, even in the event that this one is pregnant again.

See also: Jessica Thivenin in tears on Snapchat… Find out why!


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