Jérôme Bonvoisin and Régis Lespinas, a duo of former players at the head of the Crabos of CA Brive

He has been at the helm of the Crabos team for three years alongside Régis Lespinas, a former Brivist opening half as well. Jérôme Bonvoisin cut his teeth as a trainer with his first experience. But, coaching young players also means adapting and changing your software, explains Jérôme Bonvoisin. “We have a new generation, a generation that was not the one we shared. So we have to try to understand how young people work today.”

A solid high-level experience in rugby

To train the Crabos, Jérôme Bonvoisin can use his solid and long experience as a high-level rugby player, with 115 matches in the black and white jersey, including 107 starts. “What we do know, on the other hand, are the requirements demanded by the high level. It is the ability to work, the ability to make efforts, to listen. And for that, and for that. is not a story of a generation of time, you always have to be in this context to be able to give yourself the means to go to the top level. “

And for that, the old third line does not display his CV. “The name who cares!” he exclaims, “For the most part, there is still a big generation gap. So, of course, if it’s interested, they can go and find out what we could have done.” For the former player, the transmission goes through making understand what he calls “certain truths”: “we know the Briviste house, we know everything that this club represents, its identity. ”

“Before being accomplished athletes, they must understand that they are there, in a historic club, a representative club of French rugby. It is not trivial to be able to wear this jersey and its colors.”

A match in Bordeaux-Bègles this December 18 at 4 p.m.

For Régis Lespinas, the name is not a motivating factor. “We are not judged on what we have done but we are judged on what we offer them and on how we put them on the road to guide them in their learning. A great player who is a bad trainer, we hear about it too. “

In terms of results, after five meetings, Brive is currently third in the pool pending a late match to be played on January 8 against Soyaux-Angoulème. Brive is traveling to Bordeaux this weekend. After beating them at home, the young Brivists will have to hold their own against one of the competitors on the climb. But Régis Lespinas retains more the dynamics than the accounting results: “The results are only a reflection of the progress of the players and we can say that they have progressed since the beginning of the year.” he assures. The shocking duo of coaches will in any case continue to work hard to bring young players to surpass themselves, in this land of rugby that is Corrèze.

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