Jérémy Fuchs, fisherman on the Rhine

Jérémy Fuchs is the last professional fisherman in Alsace to cast his nets on the Rhine, over more than 70 kilometers of banks. It supplies the greatest restaurants in the region: the Auberge de l’Ill in Illhaeusern, or the Cerf in Marlenheim.

The other part of his catch is transformed into products (pies, quiches, dumplings, terrines, etc.) for sale in shops in the nearby region and to individuals on order.

Its old-fashioned fishing method respects the environment in which the fish evolves. He knows the Rhine and its history by heart.

For orders: on 06 87 85 73 47 or by internet: [email protected] – To be collected at 1a, rue de la Mittelhardt in Balgau.

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