Jérémy Frérot, Pascal Obispo, Tom Leeb …: all united in the face of a terrible tragedy

If summer is generally synonymous with lightness, sun and holidays, the season is also unfortunately conducive to fires. The high temperatures currently affecting France have alerted many fire stations who feared the worst. The worst has happened. Several fires have broken out in recent days in the Gard and Bassin d’Arcachon regions in particular. This Tuesday, July 12, the pine forests of the Southwest, usually calm and peaceful, turned into intense blazes against which firefighters are now trying to fight with all the support of local residents, helpless in the face of the tragedy. .

Many tourists have been evacuated from nearby campsites and accommodation where they thought they could enjoy their holidays peacefully. Everyone is now waiting for only one thing: that the flames are finally under control. Just like thousands of people attached to the region, including celebrities.

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