Jeremstar kidnapped with a famous French singer: chilling story of the aggression

In 2018, the famous blogger Jeremstar found himself at the heart of a lively controversy after being accused of sexual assault on minors with one of his former friends named Pascal Cardonna. If the latter was actually sentenced to two years in prison last January, Jeremstar managed to be cleared and cleared of all suspicion.

Harassed during this scandal, Jeremstar is now fighting against cyberbullying… and has just written a book called “Social Media Survivor which will be released on October 6th. In a video posted on YouTube this Thursday, September 29, the former blogger returned to this sad period and also revealed that he had recently been held hostage in Paris with singer Sheryfa Luna. Jeremstar explains that this act was committed by an “unbalanced” who had just been released from prison for having “planted a bomb in Paris which had been foiled”.

Still very touched by this story, Jeremstar, whose real name Jérémy Gisclon confided in detail: This person was convinced that I was a pedophile and that it was true. This person, with intentions of murder, was extremely threatening and blocked me on a bench in a public place in the middle of Paris, prevented me from leaving for more than an hour, accusing me of horrible things […] I even wondered if he had any weapons. When someone says straight to your eyes ‘I planted a bomb in Paris I wanted to cause a bloodbath but it was foiled I was imprisoned for ten years’you understand that you are dealing with someone who evolves in spheres…“.

Singer Sheryfa Luna, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, found herself embroiled in the case: “It was me who was targeted. […] I couldn’t move from my bench, each time, it became violent, I looked at Sheryfa, and finally, you manage to escape by running away to take refuge in a restaurant and everyone is hallucinating… It was really very shocking, I still have these images, it’s a real assault, everything is going through my head. This was all taken very seriously when I reported it.” he explained.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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