Jeremstar again victim of discomfort: “I started again …”, he gives his news

24 hours after his terrible anxiety attack in the middle of the ocean, Jeremstar is gradually regaining strength. After a good night’s sleep, the Youtubeur dared to leave his room for the first time. “We’re back on the road!“, he confides on Snapchat on August 14, 2022. He is on vacation in Bali.

We still don’t have what we have. Finally, I had an anxiety attack, I’m not hiding from you that we slept a lot. We got up early this morning around 6:00 or 7:00 to go on an excursion, I don’t know if that’s a good idea. I’m trying to really control my breathing here because just the idea of ​​feeling bad, I worry. We will see everything anyway if we feel bad, we turn around and go back to the hotel to rest. Well we’re still going 40 minutes from the hotel so it’s true that there it’s a bit oppressive but I felt a slight improvement, to see if it will stabilize“, he said, more serene.

Diarrhea like I’ve never had in my life

Accompanied by his friend Zaz, the young man then asks him to detail the various symptoms of his very violent tourista. “I’ve had the same symptoms as you JeremI had a horrible night. Diarrhea like I’ve never had in my life, vomitings“, she detailed. “But that’s why I don’t understand. It’s the same we had to eat somethingJeremstar asks,A tourista but it’s violent I’ve never felt that in my life. I was very hot, with a fever. It was just awful. I wondered how the body could bear such suffering. And all the pills we took we threw them up all of a sudden, that’s why they put them in IVs at the hospital“. Going back to his spasmophilia crisis the day before, the people blogger explains: “It feels like going into cardiac arrest and dying“.

I felt it was wrong

Courageous, Jeremstar then tries to take advantage of his getaway in the middle of nature. “It’s time to relax and enjoy life” he announces as he reveals a sublime view at the top of a cliff. A gesture a little too daring for the young man who instantly felt a small anxiety attack pointing the tip of his nose. “I don’t get too close because the cliff there. (…) I started having trouble breathing again and to panic suddenly there are lots of stairs but I went straight up as soon as I felt that things were not going well. I’m in no condition to come down“, he explained.

More fear than harm for Jeremstar who has finally regained his form and his appetite. Following his excursion, he also treated himself to a small cone of fries in a snack bar near a beach. “I hope I’m not going to catch the diarrhea again with what I eat because there I stopped in a ‘boui-boui’ I don’t tell you“, confides the young man who returns to France tomorrow. A flight he is looking forward to!

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