Jennifer Shocked by Her Image in Married at First Sight: ‘I Didn’t See My Body Change’

jennifer is one of the candidates for Married at first sight 2022. In the show, M6 viewers can follow her adventures with Eddy (37), with whom she is 81% compatible. But this is another subject that the beautiful 31-year-old brunette wanted to address on her Instagram account on Monday, May 30. That of his weight.

On May 14, Jennifer revealed that she had lost no less than 11 kilos since the end of the filming of Married at first sight. If at that time she did not wish to go into details, the mother of the family agreed to give herself up without a filter before the broadcast of the last episode. Thus, netizens were able to find out that these are because of “moments of stress, doubts, ordeals throughout this experience (which takes place over several months)“She’s gained a lot of weight.”It’s a real upheaval in everyday life. Even if it was I who had decided to live it, it wasn’t all that easy. It was not easy to manage everything at the same time. Between my work, my life as a mother and the family worries to be managed which are grafted to all that, I suffered a real inner evil where I took refuge in ‘bad food’. I didn’t see my body change at that time“, she revealed.

It wasn’t until she saw the first footage of her experience in Married at first sight that Jennifer realized that her figure was no longer the same. And she has”had a hard time admitting it“.”To be transparent with you, I’ve gained a lot of weight over the past few months during filming. I had a real click and a big realization when I saw myself on the screen. This weight gain, this fatigue that was accumulating, this lack of dynamism, it was not me… (…) For my part, with a lot of will, perseverance and a food rebalancing program (a precise follow-up in Coaching that I was able to do) as well as a few sports sessions, I was able to lose +/- 10 kg“, she continued.

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