Jennifer (Married at first sight) as a couple during filming? She breaks the silence

On April 18, M6 viewers got to know jennifer, a 31-year-old single mom at the time of filming. The beautiful blonde who lives in Lille explained that the father of her 6-year-old son had betrayed her. A love story that destroyed her and pushed her to turn to Married at first sight 2022 to find the rare pearl. The experts found him to be 81% compatible with Eddy (37 years old, in charge of event activities in Lille). Although she was ready to get married, was she really sincere?

Last weekend, Aqababe dropped a bomb. According to him, Jennifer was not single during the filming of Married at first sight. She was (and always will be) in a relationship with a married man named Adrien. And the latter would have ended up ‘leave his real wife“in order to fully experience his relationship with the candidate.”Know that she was aware that Adrien had a real wife “, also specified the blogger.

Always according to Aqababe, the great friend of the mother of Iris Mittenaere allegedly participated in the Channel 6 program solely for the purpose of becoming an influencer. And she would have thought that Married at first sight could give him a little push. In order to prove his statements, the blogger revealed photos of the mother with a man.

Of course, Jennifer was quick to react to these allegations. And the manager of a hair salon assured that everything was false. “For the past few days, false information has been circulating about me. Some have fun saying that I was in a relationship during the filming of MAPR. I want to reassure you, I was never in a relationship during the filming. Nor had a relationship with a married man (that doesn’t concern me at all). The person you may have seen in some photos is a very good friend. This is Adrien whom I have known for a year. And I have no intention of hiding his presence. You can keep taking pictures of us.“, wrote Jennifer first. She then explained that her work was enough for her and that she lacked nothing. “No need to show me on the networks to earn a living“, she concluded.

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