Jennifer Lauret: his daughter Anna in Tomorrow belongs to us, a remarkable appearance

On Wednesday December 1, 2021, TF1 broadcast a special episode of Tomorrow belongs to us. One of actress Jennifer Lauret’s daughters made a standout appearance at the very end, much to viewers’ delight.

In recent months, the public has had the pleasure of discovering new faces in Tomorrow belongs to us. Jennifer Lauret in particular has arrived to play the Parisian lawyer Raphaëlle Perraud. “I was rather proud. It’s a very high-quality daily. I’m still upbeat and happy after five months of filming. And no one had ever seen me in the skin of a character like Raphaëlle’s, who has a strong character“, she confided last November to TV 7 Days, when asked about her reaction to being offered the role.

The character of Jennifer Lauret has a romantic history with Xavier Meffre. And, thirty years after being abandoned, she sees her mother Rebecca Flores (played by Victoria Abril) come back into her life. A milestone event for the woman who no longer has childhood memories. But, during a psych session with Anna Delcourt, an episode clearly came back to her and upset her.

She remembered that it was she who had killed Xavier Meffre’s father. And, to play her younger character, the production brought in one of the actress’ daughters. It is indeed Anna (11 years old, fruit of her union with Patrick Sorrentino) who was chosen to play the 9-year-old Raphaëlle.

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