Jennifer Aniston ate the same dish every day…for 10 years!

Muffins and other pastries may have been circulating in the hallways of Central Perk. But behind the scenes, it was another story. The filming of the series Friends lasted ten years, for ten seasons, and during all this time, the three heroines of the show ate exactly the same thing, every lunchtime, before returning in front of the cameras. It was Courteney Cox who swung the information to the newspaper Los Angeles Times.

jennifer [Aniston, Lisa [Kudrow] and I ate lunch together every day for ten yearsshe explained. And we always ate the same thing: a Cobb saladThis recipe may not be well known in Caesar salad land, but it’s going wild in California – and becoming hugely popular on TikTok. It traditionally consists of lettuce, tomatoes, grilled bacon, a chicken fillet, a hard-boiled egg, an avocado, chives, roquefort and a drizzle of red wine vinaigrette.

If the interpreters of Rachel, Monica and Phoebe devoured the same thing every day, one of the three actresses was a bit more invested in this gastronomic story. It’s Jennifer Aniston, who was not content to place a simple order at Deliveroo, but who added a few ingredients to feast more. “She fiddled it with turkey bacon, chickpeas and whatever“, adds Courteney Cox. The three actresses were housed in the same boat, food speaking, but one of them suffered in silence.

I felt huge next to them

For many years, Lisa Kudrow was actually devastated by comparing herself, physically, to her two sisters and friends. “You see yourself on TV and you say to yourself ‘Oh my God, I look like a mountain’she said in the American podcast WTF. I’m taller and fatter [qu’elles]. Bigger, because my bones are bigger than theirs. I felt huge next to them. Unfortunately for women, we are considered beautiful qwhen we are underweight. And that’s what happened to me. When I was too thin, I was sick all the time. Colds, sinus infections, flu…it was a real struggle…

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