Jenifer’s ex changes life, Isabelle Ithurburu makes the announcement

Recruited by TF1 for the 2023 World Cup, Isabelle Ithurburu notably hosted the prime with Nikos Aliagas “All with the Blues, the event concert”October 12, 2023. Now on the verge of gaining ground on the first channel, the television star explained to Télé Loisirs that she was not about to get a big head.

Her “super normal life with Maxim Nucci

And for good reason, his media exposure has not really transformed his everyday private life. The pretty mother explains: “Apart from a few extra glances in the street, my daily life has not changed. I always go out in the morning without makeup and not very well dressed. To take my daughter [Mia, 5 ans, ndlr] at school, I don’t want to make an effort at all. I never looked too much for the light. I have a super normal life. I live with someone very simple

[le musicien Maxim Nucci, ndlr] who no longer wants to be publicized“.

Behind this temperament, parents who knew how to keep his feet on the ground. To our colleagues, this native of Pau confides: “They both left school very early to go work in the fields. At 20, they left the agricultural sector to open a grocery store. Today, they are hallucinating about my journey but are delighted and have stars in their eyes”.

“Most of my friends have nothing to do with TV”

Since her transfer to TF1, Isabelle Ithurburu has not changed who she frequents either. She says she still has friends: “mainly sports journalists from Canal + and quote “Astrid Bard who succeeded me brilliantly“. And to add: “I’m friends with Marie Portolano. We see each other less than before but we write to each other. I called her when I was thinking about the TF1 proposal because she had made that jump”. However, the young woman concludes: “But most of my friends have nothing to do with TV. They are childhood friends or mothers from school“. Hyper normal we said.


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