Jenifer radiant and stylish in the streets of London: behind the scenes in photos of her enchanted parenthesis

After a long period of teasing, Jenifer formalized her return to the music scene a few months ago. The singer will release the ninth album of her career on November 4, which will simply be called No. 9. A piece of the opus was already released during the summer and was illustrated by a clip. It is Save who loves.

It was in London, in August 2021, that Jenifer recorded this album at the “vintage sounds” as she presented it. And for several days, the artist who made the show for the launch of the new season of the star Academy plunges back into this happy period. Over the weekend, she notably got her hands on photos taken at the time and shared them with her followers on Instagram. On the pictures, we discovered it free and stylish in the streets of the English capitalsometimes dressed in a leopard-patterned T-shirt and sometimes bohemian in jeans and a flowery jacket.

Between two sessions at the studio, Jenifer probably had the opportunity to walk around the city to hunt around in music shops in search of new vinyl or even to drop by the local supermarket and feast on local delicacies. The artist and mother of three children also had fun in a photo booth, the successful result of which, in black and white, now sits on one of her chests of drawers.

An immersion in his life at 100 an hour that Internet users greatly appreciated. “I love the atmosphere of the photos“, “We love !!“, “You are beautiful, it’s so nice to see little pictures like that“, “Behind the scenes ! We love finding out“, “You must have had a blast“, “What style !“, they commented.

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