Jenifer mom for the 3rd time: how she manages her career and her family

Mother of three children, Jenifer (39) sometimes has difficulty reconciling her family and professional life. In full promotion of the film All in Scene 2 (which will be released in France on December 22, 2021) for which she lends her voice, the singer revealed in the show star Academy admitted to having a very busy schedule with journalists at the magazine We both.

I try to do the best I can, like all working moms“, she explains.”I think that if their mother is happy at work, so are the children! It’s all a question of organization.“Very happy in her love life, family and artist, the ex of Pascal Obispo confides to be filled by his blended family and adds to have”the life of Madam everyone“.”I vacuum and clean my toilet. There are a lot of moms who work and try to do their best. I do the same“, she also confided to TV 7 days in September 2021.

Became a mother for the first time at 22, of a little boy named Aaron (fruit of her love affair with Maxim Nucci), this motherhood allowed her to mature much faster than young girls of her age. “I had a child very early on, responsibilities. It gave me strength and kept me on course. And my fans too, so protective and caring“, she confided. Subsequently, the performer of the title I’m waiting for love gave birth to Joseph (7 years old, born from his relationship with Thierry Neuvic), then, more recently, to a little boy who was born last May in Corsica (born from his marriage to Ambroise Fieschi).

In love with Ambroise Fieschi since 2017, the couple got married in August 2019 during a sublime ceremony celebrated in Corsica in the town of Serra-di-Ferro, on land belonging to Jean-Luc Codaccioni (his murdered uncle in December 2017 during a shooting at Bastia airport). This union thus allowed the artist to pay homage to his dear uncle.

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