Jennifer is back ! This month, the singer is on all fronts to promote her latest album called No. 9. Through her new songs, the star wanted to be authentic. Thus, she honored love and passion.
“The texts are more assumed. Yeah ! (Laughs) I assume more. The more I advance, the more I feel free to express myself on subjects, well… which remind me of things. (Smiles) I put myself in the other person’s shoes too, these are such universal themes. By expressing my femininity, I tell myself that it will resonate with others perhaps! This album is very sensual indeed.” did she analyze for Pure Charts.“There is always a therapeutic effect when you start a new page, a new album. Me, it did me a lot of good to express myself on that too. (Laughs) It’s a reflection of who I am”.
“I don’t feel locked up in an institution…”
At 39, everything smiles on him! The actress brilliantly reconciles her career and her private life. In the city, Jenifer is the happy mother of three boys. On the heart side, she is just as fulfilled. To date, the artist forms a united couple with Ambroise Fieschi! “ My greatest accomplishment is to have built a family. The wedding [avec Ambroise Fieschi, en Corse, en août 2019, ndlr] has become obvious. I don’t feel locked up in an institution, I found something that suited me, I’m happy.” confided Jenifer in the columns Marie-France.
On the Web, the main interested party loves interacting with her fans. Recently, the interpreter of “Give me time” has found the comedian Jarry for a television project. According to the images unveiled on Instagram, the duo had fun like never before. Holding her in his arms, the happy dad of two children pretended to drop her… A little joke that made Jenifer laugh a lot. The proof in pictures!
to see also: Jenifer cash on her cigarette consumption and her current state of health!