Jeff Panacloc upset like never before and in tears: he shows another face in The Secret Song

By agreeing to come in The Secret SongJeff Panacloc knew he would be surprised and undoubtedly very moved. It did not fail!

Saturday November 27, 2021, it is a whole different face that the most famous of the French ventriloquists of 35 years showed to the televiewers on TF1. Stressed at the idea of ​​discovering the surprise that had been reserved for him, the one who has been a hit alongside his puppet Jean-Marc for several years was far from expecting such an emotion. It must be said that his relatives had gone all out to pay tribute to him and salute his incredible journey, he who dreamed since he was a child of doing the show but who began his professional life as an electrician.

From the first notes of Charles Aznavour’s legendary song I already saw myself at the top of the poster, reinterpreted for the occasion by his friend Soprano, Jeff Panacloc was overcome by emotion. The son of his producer had been chosen to play him as a child, a return to his childhood that immediately touched him. Jeff Panacloc also had the immense surprise of discovering his mother Brigitte on the stage of La Seine Musicale, where had been recorded The Secret Song. The latter, very proud of her son’s career, is not comfortable in the spotlight, but wanted to be there for this incredible surprise. The father of Jeff Panacloc was unfortunately not able to make the trip. Dumé, Hoze and Nicolas Nebot, close friends of showman also participated in the magnificent painting mixing the passion of Jeff Panacloc for Back to the future and Broadway musicals.

Once the surprise was over, after having dried his tears with a handkerchief (he had planned everything), Jeff Panacloc (Damien Colcanap of his real name) went to join all those who allowed him to live such a beautiful emotion. The comedian then had a touching thought for his dad. “I think of my dad, very strong too. I think about him very much because he can’t be with us and I wanted to say that I love him very much“, he confided overwhelmed by tears, to the applause of the public

Words of thanks to Nikos Aliagas

Jeff Panacloc – at the Olympia next January with his show Jeff Panacloc Adventure – also wanted to thank Nikos Aliagas in person, who hosted this new issue of The Secret Song. “Je wanted to thank you Nikos, because you have always been there since my beginnings. I did a lot of times 50 ‘Inside, full of shows with you, and you’ve always been kind, you’ve always had super strong words for me. And it’s also important to have people in the trade who support us and who push us to do our job. Don thank you to you too“, declared Jeff Panacloc, words which did not fail to touch Nikos Aliagas.

This new issue of The Secret Song, who broke the record for the number of close guests, gathered 3.13 million viewers, or 15.6% of the public.

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