Jeff Erius, the rising star of the French sprint from Strasbourg

The Hautepierre national meeting has been postponed for him, so that he can take his first baccalaureate exams. Rising French sprint star Jeff Erius (18) did not disappoint in front of his home crowd, with a victory in 10’31 over 100 meters, four hundredths off his personal record. Good for confidence before the big deadlines that await the kid from Neuhof this summer, already European cadet record holder in the discipline.

He was very happy to come back to run in Strasbourg

Almost a year after his departure for the Creps of Poitiers to pass new milestones, this return to basics is always good for the young sprinter. “It’s the fourth time I’ve attended the meeting, but nothing changes here, that’s what makes me happy”he says with a smile.

Nothing changes, except maybe the autographs he signs for long minutes after his race. “I’m not used to it yet, I even have a table and posters in my name” he laughs.

After his race, Jeff Erius spent long minutes signing autographs © Radio France
Jules Hauss

For his new coach Fabien Lambollez, the young Strasbourg would even a little too much in front of his audience. “He was very happy to return to Strasbourg. He knows that the public appreciates him here. But the end of the race was not worthy of a Jeff Erius. He confused speed and haste a bit. What we are looking for , it’s really the consistency of performance.”

Junior World Championship and European Championship in sight

This race at home is also an opportunity for his Saint-Anne college friends to find the one they now follow via athletics streaming or on TV. “Frankly, when we see him on the team we are proud”testifies Enzo. “He’s really starting to gain muscle, it’s impressive”, laughs Jérémy, his lifelong friend. They hope to see him at the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris. “In relay it is playable. Do not forget that he is only 18 years old” Jeremy tempers.

His family was also complete (his mother, his two brothers, his sister, his cousin, his aunt, his cousins) to find a Jeff who matures. “At the beginning, he spoke very little, but now he begins to open upbelieves his sister Sherley for whom the rise of his brother is not surprising, it’s in our blood, we all run in the family”.

Despite the records he’s beating and the upcoming deadlines (junior world championship in Colombia from August 1 to 6, then the senior European championships in Munich at the end of the same month), Jeff knows how to keep his head on the shoulders according to her. His mother Marie is not worried: “It’s a bird that spreads its wings and I let it take flight”.

But before the big flight on the slopes, there is still a bac test to pass: that of the big oral, on June 23rd.

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