Jeff Bezos, Angelina Jolie, Michael Jordan… zoom in on the most expensive divorces in history

These couples made us dream and yet their love stories were not eternal despite their marriages. As Johnny Depp and Amber Heard go to war in court,several personalities have gone through this. If some got away with it without it being so violent, it cost them dearly.

Divorce lawyer Kelly Chang Rickert discussed the possibility that the divorce between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt could last another six years. “Angelina seems to think she can get sole custody of the kids, but that’s just not the case, the expert told the British daily on Tuesday, March 30. She can spend millions and millions, but as long as Brad wants custody of the kids and fights for it, she’s going to have to share it. Their youngest children, twins Knox and Vivienne, are 12 years old: the procedure could continue until they are 18 years old. I think this could become one of the most expensive divorce proceedings in Hollywood history in terms of legal costs; It’s almost worse when people have money because they’ll keep fighting forever.” confided the lawyer.

The ten most expensive celebrity divorces

One million dollars. Angelina Jolie and Brad respectively spent this sum on legal costs. And the note already looks too salty.

After eight years of relationship Madonna and Guy Ritchie announced their separation in 2008. Their amicable divorce cost them 90 million dollars.

Steven Spielberg and Amy Irving divorced in 1989 after five years of marriage. $ 100 million would have been paid to the ex-wife of the director thanks to the prenuptial agreement signed hastily on a piece of napkin during the wedding between the two celebrities. For Tiger Woods and Elin Nordegren, it would have cost $100 million. The estimated amount for that of Harrison Ford and Melissa Mathison is 118 million dollars.

Michael Jordan and Juanita Vanoy fought legally. The former athlete has agreed to part ways with $168 million and a villa in Chicago in addition to custody of their three children to his wife.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver are battling the star’s personal fortune of between $500 million and $700 million. But no agreement was reached. Robyn Moore received half of Mel Gibson’s fortune of $425 million.

Rupert and Anna Murdoch have ended their 32-year romance and $1.7 billion has been paid to the translator. Jeff Bezos lost $68 billion splitting from Mackenzie.


See also: Angelina Jolie

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